November- Men's Health Awareness Month

When it comes to men's health, November is a month that has become a staple of raising awareness for health issues in men.

While growing a moustache during this month in the form of "Movember" has continued to gain steam, there is a lot more to this time of the year than facial hair.

Here is a look at what makes this a Men's Health Awareness Month.

What is Movember?

Movember is a term used to combine moustache and November into a catchy term everyone can remember. It picked up steam as a way to raise awareness because moustaches are easy to spot and can make it easier to start a conversation on men's health topics.

It is a way for men of all ages to gain confidence and appreciate how important their health is.

Over the 30 days in November, men grow moustaches to celebrate Men's Health Awareness Month while also discussing health-related topics to let men know the value of getting checked.

With Movember meaning men's health comes to the forefront, it also sheds light on the importance of health in all people. It has popularised being on top of your health and asking the right questions before it's too late.

Prostate Cancer

With Movember, prostate cancer takes a front seat as a topic that's discussed in great detail while shedding light on how important it is to get tested often.

Prostate cancer does not always show significant symptoms and it can develop over time before proving to be fatal. This is why men need to appreciate the value of speaking to a qualified medical professional and getting tested as soon as possible.

The Movember moustache is just a way to spread awareness but it does highlight the importance of taking action.

Key Events & Activities

  1. MoRunning

Running events are held throughout the world bringing men and women together to celebrate men's health awareness with hundreds of people running together.

These events are commonly hosted in different parts of the world and bring in millions through donations.

  1. Streamed Events

The Movember Foundation often hosts streamed events during this time of the year.

These events help people get together from the comfort of their homes. They get to speak, learn, and better understand what's needed with men's health topics.

  1. Peer Talking Groups

There are multiple peer talking groups hosted where men get the opportunity to sit down with others and speak about key health issues.

It is a way to speak to someone that gets it and is willing to listen.

  1. Movember Charity

The Movember Foundation does take the time to set up multiple charities around the world for people to donate to.

It's a great way to give back and help donate to positive causes including research on Prostate cancer. They have raised millions and continue to do so for this great cause.

Final Thoughts

This is a month to better understand key men's health issues and recognise how important it is for men to get tested.

By spreading awareness, it's easier than ever before to get the word out.

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