Quick Statistics About Hearing

Hearing is one of the body's most fascinating senses. Many people don't realise the importance of their ears until they have to deal with a serious ear problem. The ability to hear is one of the most important factors that helps enhance the overall quality of your life. The capacity to hear lets you communicate, learn, experience, and enjoy the world around you. This article highlights 5 interesting and quick statistics about hearing and the human ear.

  1. The Human Hearing Range Is Between 20Hz And 20,000Hz

People can usually sense sounds at frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hertz (Hz). Prolonged exposure to loud noises and ageing tend to decrease your audible range and result in hearing loss in the long run. People tend to lose the upper frequencies of hearing first as they age. In fact, a middle-aged person should expect to hear up to around 14,000Hz. Age-related hearing loss tends to naturally develop as a person ages (Ref:

  1. The Most Unpleasant Noises To The Human Ear

The University of Newcastle conducted a study on some of the most unpleasant sounds to the human ear. Certain noises become extremely unpleasant to the human ear because of the interaction of the auditory cortex (the part of the human brain that processes sound) and the amygdala (the centre that actively participates in the transformation of negative emotions). In fact, the amygdala modulates the auditory cortex's response to certain noises and intensifies the noise to cause a negative brain reaction (Ref:

  1. Music Is Better Heard On The Left Ear

The University of California published a study in Science Magazine which reveals that the left ear is more receptive to musical sounds and the right ear is more receptive to speech and logic. It's because speech and logic are primarily processed in the left hemisphere of the brain and music is processed in the right hemisphere in the brain. It also reveals why people with greater hearing loss in the left ear find it difficult to understand the emotional issues of their family and friends while people with greater hearing loss in the right ear find it difficult to sort things out (Ref:

  1. Wax Is A Natural Protective Agent

Cerumen or ear wax is produced to protect the middle ear from dirt, dust, and bacterial infections. But when ear wax is produced in excessive amounts, it can cause blockages in the ear and affect your hearing. Clogged ears can be easily identified due to sudden loss of hearing, noise when chewing food, and a clogged sensation (Ref:

  1. The Ears Never Rest

The ears are always working even when you are sleeping. The brain is capable of ignoring most of the sounds around us and react only to loud and unexpected noises. It is done as a defence mechanism to let you respond to any life threats without delay (Ref:

The aforementioned article provides information on 5 interesting and quick statistics about hearing and the human ear. The information provided in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional with any questions regarding your medical condition or any other concerns.
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